Israel, Jordan & Egypt Tourism
Walking the land of the Bible....from Jerusalem to Petra to Mount Nebo....

Visiting the Holy Land is the ultimate in memorable, earthly adventures. Every group we have hosted since 1967 has been an unforgettable journey. To walk in the footsteps of Christ in Galilee and Jerusalem exceeds all others. While various destinations are in our thirty-nine year repertoire of travel experience, the Holy Land is our primary love. We cannot stop going to Israel.

Having a combined seventy-eight year experience as tour operators, we are veterans in the industry. Anticipating every detail in advance, and understanding what to expect, gives us a paradigm of knowledge that solves most travel problems before they occur. We will provide you with pre-tour information and service that will make planning and packing simple. You can pack up and show up! We do the rest!

Come with us to the Holy Land. It still flows with milk and honey. The pages of the Bible will move gloriously through your soul. Our seasoned history in conducting multiple tours to Israel and Jordan will create an experience that will change your life.